Data and Facts

Infertility is, acording to the WHO, a global health issue. Acording to WHO data, it is believed that 1 in 6 people of reproductive age experiences infertility during their lifetime.

Find other data and facts like this in the articles below:

Infertility is a global health issue affecting millions of people of reproductive age worldwide

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The big baby bust – Feweer babies slower growth, James Pomeroy, Economist, HSBC Bank plc –

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The baby bust intensifies: How bad could it get? James Pomeroy, Global Economist, 9 February 2024

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Dansk fertilitetsselskab udgiver en årsrapport over ART- og IUI-behandling i Danmark. Tallet har været stigende i mange år.

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Hvorfor har mænd historisk dårlig sæd? Nyt topstudie skal give svar
Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, 28. februar 2023

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Dansk studie fra Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet:  ’The molecular evolution of spermatogenesis across mammals’, publiceret i Nature

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How pollution is causing a male fertility crisis
BBC, 28 March 2023, af Katherine Latham

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